Length:2.00 hours - Excluding labs and assessments
Published:Aug 08, 2008
Audiences:IT Professional
Technology:Windows Server 2008
Delivery method:Self-pace Course
This 2-hour online course provides IT Professionals with the knowledge and skills required to implement network load balancing and virtualization in Windows Server 2008.
Topics covered in the course include:
Various methods to implement server scalability and availability
Implementation of Windows network load balancing
Introduction to server virtualization
Implementation of server virtualization
Student prerequisites
A+, Server+, hardware piece of Net+ familiar with Windows (client side)
Working knowledge of Windows Server 2003 environment
Working knowledge of networking technologies
Describe the methods of implementing server scalability and availability.
Describe the concepts related to Windows network load balancing.
Explain the concepts related to server virtualization.
Implement server virtualization.