Learning Consulting Services

This services is intended to provide the I&IT Organization access to learning consultants that will analyze skills and knowledge thresholds and requirements of the Organizations’ tasks or particular occupations.

The Learning Consulting Service Category includes:

  • Creating skills inventories;
  • Identifying gaps in the skills inventory; and,
  • Developing learning plans and strategies, required to advance the Government of Ontario’s I&IT vision.

HiTech provides the following:

  • Learning needs analysis for an I&IT organization:
    • Development of learning analysis strategies
    • Identification of the areas of focus when defining goals, objectivity or a base line;
    • Description of the different approaches taken to gather data;
    • Description of the reports and support of the findings with the data collected; and
    • Identification of aspects addressed in a needs analysis for an I&IT organization
  • Planning, Implementation and reporting on gap analysis for an I&IT organization:
    • Identification of information required to start a gap analysis;
    • Identification of areas of focus during the learning gap analysis; and
    • Development of the approach used to present the gap analysis findings to Management and to staff;
    • Conducting data gathering activities through appropriate methods.
  • Organizational skills inventory:
    • Identification of behavioral and skill competencies associated with job descriptions and/or role identification;
    • Development of the process used to identify performance and skill requirements; and
    • Development of the tools and methods used to validate the level of skills required for specific jobs and or roles.
  • Development of learning strategies and plans:
    • Development of the approach used when developing a corporate learning strategy;
    • Development of the approach used to translate a corporate learning strategy into an organizational learning plan; and
    • Development of the approach used to translate the organizational learning plan into an individual learning plan.