Prepare yourself to obtain the 2nd hottest certificate in North America today and become a Project Management Professional. Learn the ANSI standard project management methodology designed by Project Management Institute, the world's foremost advocate for the project and largest management profession with over 200,000 members in over 150 countries.
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Project Procurement Management12.1 Plan Purchase and Acquisitions12.2 Plan Contracting12.3 Request Seller Responses12.4 Select Sellers12.5 Contract Administration12.6 Contract ClosureProfessional ResponsibilityPMP Code of Professional ConductSample Professional ResponsibiltyPMP® Test Preparation Review of PMP® Certification process Application for the exam Test-taking strategies and reviewExam QuestionsQ & A
We are a PMI® Registered Global Educational Provider. Our instructors are PMP®s and have years of hands-on-experience. The 35 hours PMP certification preparation program includes detailed explanation of all the areas of Project Management, in-class exercises, discussion on the various types of case scenario, solving numerous exam questions, potential pitfalls, tricks and trade of exam and examination taking strategies. Exhaustive numbers of exam questions and simulative exercises. Our course satisfies the 35 contact hours of training mandatory for taking the PMP exam. Frequent seminars with knowledgeable speakers from industries to answer all your questions We personally assist our clients in the application procedure to the PMP examination.
If you intend to prepare for the PMP exam, you require experience in leading and directing project task. Visit for complete exam requirement details. If you intention is not to write the PMP exam, but only gain knowledge in the project management field, you should have a minimum of a high school diploma, good English language skills and experience working in a business or project environment.
7 Contact Hours (PDUs) by HiTech, a professionally recognized PMI® Global Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.).
The knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to manage projects successfully.
PMBOK 4th Edition
PMP® Candidates, Project Managers, Program Managers, Project Engineers, Project Team Members, Individuals interested in Project Management as a career choice