Microsoft Office Access 2007: (Expert Level)

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Your training in and use of Microsoft Office Access™ 2007 has provided you with a solid foundation in the basic and intermediate skills for working in Microsoft Office Access™ 2007. You have worked with the various Access objects, such as tables, queries, forms, and reports. In this course, you will extend your knowledge into some of the more specialized and advanced capabilities of Access by structuring existing data, writing advanced queries, working with macros, enhancing forms and reports, and maintaining a database.

Course Contents: 

Part 1

Lesson 1: Controlling Data Entry
Topic 1A: Restrict Data Entry Using Field Properties
Topic 1B: Establish a Pattern for Entering Field Values
Topic 1C: Create a List of Values for a Field

Lesson 2: Joining Tables
Topic 2A: Create Query Joins
Topic 2B: Join Unrelated Tables
Topic 2C: Relate Data Within a Table

Lesson 3: Creating Flexible Queries
Topic 3A: Set Select Query Properties
Topic 3B: Create Parameter Queries
Topic 3C: Create Action Queries

Lesson 4: Improving Forms
Topic 4A: Design a Form Layout
Topic 4B: Enhance the Appearance of a Form
Topic 4C: Restrict Data Entry in Forms
Topic 4D: Add a Command Button to a Form
Topic 4E: Create a Subform

Lesson 5: Customizing Reports
Topic 5A: Organize Report Information
Topic 5B: Format the Report
Topic 5C: Set Report Control Properties
Topic 5D: Control Report Pagination
Topic 5E: Summarize Report Information
Topic 5F: Add a Subreport to an Existing Report
Topic 5G: Create a Mailing Label Report

Lesson 6: Sharing Data Across Applications
Topic 6A: Import Data into Access
Topic 6B: Export Data
Topic 6C: Analyze Access Data in Excel
Topic 6D: Export Data to a Text File
Topic 6E: Merge Access Data with a Word Document

Part 2
Lesson 1: Structuring Existing Data

Topic 1A: Analyze Tables

Topic 1B: Create a Junction Table

Topic 1C: Improve the Table Structure

Lesson 2: Writing Advanced Queries

Topic 2A: Create Subqueries

Topic 2B: Create Unmatched and Duplicate Queries

Topic 2C: Group and Summarize Records Using Criteria

Topic 2D: Summarize Data Using a Crosstab Query

Topic 2E: Create a PivotTable and a PivotChart

Lesson 3: Simplifying Tasks with Macros

Topic 3A: Create a Macro

Topic 3B: Attach a Macro

Topic 3C: Restrict Records Using a Condition

Topic 3D: Validate Data Using a Macro

Topic 3E: Automate Data Entry Using a Macro

Lesson 4: Making Effective Use of Forms

Topic 4A: Display a Calendar on a Form

Topic 4B: Organize Information with Tab Pages

Topic 4C: Display a Summary of Data in a Form

Lesson 5: Making Reports More Effective

Topic 5A: Include a Chart in a Report

Topic 5B: Print Data in Columns

Topic 5C: Cancel Printing of a Blank Report

Topic 5D: Create a Report Snapshot

Lesson 6: Maintaining an Access Database

Topic 6A: Link Tables to External Data Sources

Topic 6B: Manage a Database

Topic 6C: Determine Object Dependency

Topic 6D: Document a Database

Topic 6E: Analyze the Performance of a Database

Appendix A: Microsoft Office Specialist Program


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

restructure data into appropriate tables to ensure data dependency and minimize redundancy.
write advanced queries to analyze and summarize data.
create and revise Access macros.
display data more effectively in a form.
customize reports by using various Access features, thus making them more effective.
maintain your database using tools provided by Access.


To ensure the successful completion of Microsoft Office Access 2007: Level 2& 3, the following HiTech or equivalent knowledge are recommended for familiarity with: basic and intermediate features of Access tables, relationships, queries, forms, and reports, as well as:

Microsoft Office Access 2007: (Core Level)


You will create complex Access databases by structuring existing data, writing advanced queries, working with macros, making effective use of forms and reports, and also by performing database maintenance.


The Level 3 course is for the individual whose job responsibilities include working with related tables; creating advanced queries, forms, and reports; writing macros to automate common tasks; and performing general database maintenance. It is also designed as one in a series of courses for students pursuing the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification for Microsoft Office Access™ 2007, and it is a prerequisite to take more advanced courses in Microsoft Office Access™ 2007.

Materials Available: 
12 hours
For more information on Microsoft Office Access 2007: (Expert Level) please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.