Chapter 1: Microsoft Dynamics GP System Requirements and SQL Server Installation
This chapter looks at the key issues about how to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005. An installation is not performed in class but important installation decisions are discussed. This chapter also discusses installing SQL Server 2005 Express for use with Microsoft Dynamics GP. In addition, terminal server requirements and a few common command line tools are reviewed.
Main Topics
Microsoft Dynamics GP SQL Server Requirements
Hardware Recommendations and Configurations
Terminal Server Requirements
Optimize the System for Microsoft SQL Server
Install Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express System Requirements, Installation, and Configuration
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
Identify hardware requirements for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express in a Microsoft Dynamics GP environment.
Install Microsoft SQL Server.
Identify Terminal Server Requirements.
Install SQL Server 2005 Express.
Chapter 2: Data Server Installation and Utilities
This chapter examines the process of installing Microsoft Dynamics GP in a client/server environment. This includes discussing the installation wizard and looking at the various options to select during the installation. This chapter also examines how to setup Microsoft Dynamics GP databases, account framework, additional sorting options, and additional tasks using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities. The chapter focuses on the steps performed immediately after installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP program files.
Main Topics
Data Server Installation
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities basic and advanced installation options
Dynamics Database Initialization
Account Framework
System Options
Sample Company Initialization
Create Additional Companies
Troubleshoot Errors
Install Microsoft Dynamics GP client/server
Run Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
Install Microsoft Dynamics GP in a Client/Server environment.
Use Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to complete additional configuration procedures.
Troubleshoot errors..
Chapter 3: Client Installation, Components, and Maintenance
This chapter provides guidance when installing Microsoft Dynamics GP on a client workstation, including adding and removing features and components after the initial installation. Hardware and software requirements are examined as well as the ability to install the client using a client installation package.
This chapter also identifies how to automate the process of applying updates such as service packs and customizations to the Microsoft Dynamics GP application using the automatic updates feature. Finally, this chapter discusses the files installed during the Microsoft Dynamics GP installation and looks at how identity columns and stored procedures are used in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Main Topics
Client Requirements and Installation
Add/Remove Additional Features and components
Create and use a Client Installation Package
Apply Service Packs and Updates using Automatic Updates
Installation Components and Files
Identity Columns
Stored Procedures
Create client installation package
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
Identify the hardware and software requirements for a Microsoft Dynamics GP client.
Install Microsoft Dynamics GP on a client computer.
Identify where to find the most recent service pack.
Understand how identity columns are used in the Microsoft Dynamics GP database model.
Identify the components and files installed by Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Learn about the dictionaries and application files used by Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Synchronize the account framework.
Create an installation package.
Install a client using a client installation package.
Publish automatic updates.
Install client updates.
Understand stored procedure use in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Chapter 4: System Manager
This chapter examines the System manager components of Microsoft Dynamics GP. Specifically, the creation of users, security tasks, security roles, and specifying other system options.
Main Topics
System Setup
User Setup and Access
Security Tasks
Security Roles
Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports
User Security including the Security Synchronization Utility
User Activity and Preferences
Create a Company
Switch Users and Company
Company Information
System Manager Setup including security
After completing this chapter, students will be able to:
Create or modify the system password.
Register Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Create users and define access to companies.
Edit the Dynamics.set launch file.
Use Security Tasks, Roles, and Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports to define security.
Explain the purpose of the Security Synchronization Utility.
Track user activity.
Configure user preferences.
Setup company information.
Switch users and companies
Chapter 5: Post Installation Administration
This chapter examines the database options to define for the Microsoft Dynamics GP databases. It also discusses maintenance of Microsoft Dynamics GP databases and identifies database backup and restore procedures. The creation of a database maintenance plan is also covered, together with the recommended maintenance tasks for Microsoft Dynamics GP. Other maintenance methods, including SQL maintenance and data recovery tools are discussed.
Main Topics
Database options
Database backup and restore procedures
Microsoft Dynamics GP-SQL maintenance
SQL database maintenance (DBCC)
Use the Microsoft SQL Database Maintenance Plan Wizard (DBMW)
Microsoft Dynamics GP data recovery procedures
Back up database
Drop/create auto procedure.
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
Configure database options.
Back up Microsoft Dynamics GP databases.
Use SQL database maintenance procedures.
Maintenance of SQL database.
Use the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard.
Chapter 6: Optimize Performance and Troubleshooting
This chapter discusses how to optimize the Windows Server system. Specifically, it looks at settings for memory, CPU, network, and the disk subsystem through system monitor. This chapter also discusses the methodology around troubleshooting Microsoft Dynamics GP. Several tools used in troubleshooting including SQL Profiler and a dexsql.log are examined, and the batch recovery process is discussed.
Main Topics
Windows 2003 Considerations
SQL Server Configuration
Optimize a SQL Relational Database
Analyze Performance
Optimization Summary
Troubleshooting - Identify the Issue
Troubleshooting - Types of Issues and Resolution Sources
Troubleshooting - Tools
Batch Recovery Process
Performance Options
SQL Memory Options
Using SQL Profiler
Create dexsql.log.
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
Configure the Windows 2003 server.
Use Performance Monitor to analyze a Windows 2003 OS bottleneck.
Configure the SQL server.
Optimize a SQL relational database.
Analyze performance by monitoring SQL Server with System Monitor.
Summarize optimization settings.
Identify technical issues in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Know available resources to resolve technical issues.
Use tools to identify and resolve issues.
Recover from an interrupted posting process.
Chapter 7: Process Server
This chapter covers the basics of setting up Process Server. Terms are defined as well as the components of Process Server. During the chapter, learn how to define tasks to run remotely and define which servers will run remote tasks.
Main Topics
System Requirements
Set Up Process Server
Designate the Output Report Location
Process Monitor
Process Server Log
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
Understand the basics about Process Server.
Identify Process Server system requirements and considerations.
Set up and configure Process Server.
Modify the location of where Process Server reports are saved.
View running processes in Process Monitor.
View and purge the Process Server log.
Chapter 8: Reporting
This chapter provides an overview of Report Writer, SQL Reporting Services, and the FRx application. It does not delve into the inner workings of extracting financial information in FRx. Included in this chapter is configuring databases for use with FRx and defining the folder structure for reports. This chapter also discusses how to set up the Report Scheduler option.
Main Topics
Report Writer Overview
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Overview
Microsoft SQL Server Report Wizard
FRx Report Designer Features and Installation Considerations
FRx Troubleshooting Techniques and Tips
Report Scheduler
Create a modified report
Create a custom report
Schedule a report
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
Understand the purpose of Report Writer.
Understand the types of reports that can be created in Report Writer.
Understand the purpose of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.
Understand how to use the Microsoft SQL Server Report Wizard.
Understand the features of FRx.
Identify and resolve common issues in FRx.
Define the characteristics of Report Scheduler.