Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 In Trade (80258A)

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This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to manage sales, purchase, and return activities in an efficient manner.
By including topics like price and discounts, item charges and order promising Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 provides companies with all the tools necessary to ensure a high customer service level.
Requisition management will support companies in efficiently managing inventory levels and keeping costs low.

Course Contents: 

Module 1: Sales Order Management
This module explains how to ensure a high level of customer service by accurately managing the sales transaction flow. Sales Order Management involves all the steps from creating a quotation or blanket order to shipping and invoicing the sales order.
Processes such as reserving items ensure that customers receive their orders in a timely manner and combining shipments provide customers with a single invoice for multiple shipments.
Prepayment functionality allows companies to retain deposits from customers for orders, based on different setup criteria.

  • Set Up Sales Order Management
  • Manage Sales Transactions
  • Item Reservation
  • Posting Orders
  • Invoice a Combined Shipment
  • Customer Prepayments
    Lab : Create and Convert a Blanket Sales Order
    Lab : Reserve an Item on a Sales Order
    Lab : Ship and Invoice a Sales Order

    After completing this module, students should be able to:
  • Set up Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 database according to a company's sales order management processes (Sales and Receivables Setup, Customer Setup, Customer Posting Groups, Salesperson Setup).
  • Create and process sales quotes.
  • Create, process, and follow up sales blanket orders.
  • Create and process sales orders.
  • Link sales orders and sales blanket orders.
  • Reserve items on a sales order (allocate existing or future inventory).
  • Describe the posting process of sales orders.
  • Post a (partial) sales order shipment.
  • Undo a shipment.
  • Post a sales order invoice.
  • Describe, set up, and perform combine shipments into one invoice.
  • Explain the prepayment process flows.
    Process prepayments on a sales order
    Module 2: Sales Prices and Discounts
    This module explains how to ensure a high level of customer service by accurately managing the sales prices and discounts, depending on the special agreements made with the customers.
    The sales line pricing and sales line discounting functions both maintain the best price rule, where the pricing mechanism always suggests the best price available for the customer.
    This module explains how to set up prices and discounts, maintain prices through the Sales Price Worksheet, allow or disallow discounts in combination with sales prices.
  • Sales Prices
  • Maintain Sales Prices
  • Line and Invoice Discounts
  • Invoice Discounts
    Lab : Manage Alternative Sales Prices
    Lab : Update Sales Prices
    Lab : Offer the Best Price Available to a Customer

    After completing this module, students should be able to:
  • Set up universal and alternative sales prices.
  • Set up customer price groups.
  • Describe the pricing functionality that the program follows when looking for the sales price for a customer (best price rule).
  • Maintain universal sales prices through the Adjust Item Costs/Prices batch job.
  • Maintain alternative sales prices through the Sales Price Worksheet (manually and automatically).
  • Explain the three different discount types.
  • Set up line discounts.
  • Set up customer discount groups.
  • Set up item discount groups.
  • Describe the discount functionality that the program follows when looking for the line discount for a customer (best price rule).
  • Set up invoice discounts (manually or automatically calculated).
  • Set up service charges.
  • Describe the discount functionality that the program follows when looking for the invoice discount for a customer.
  • Set up concerning allowing or disallowing line and invoice discounts.
    Module 3: Customer Service Features
    This module explains how to ensure a high level of customer service by providing additional features to salespeople to assist them in a quick customer response.
    Item substitutions can be used to link items with the same or similar characteristics.
    Another company's item number can be used as reference number on documents.
    As an additional service to the customers, the nonstick items function can be used to manage the sale of items that are not maintained as part of the normal inventory.
    This special business purpose can be achieved with the use of drop shipment functionality or the creation of special orders that link the purchase to the sale.
  • Item Substitutions
  • Item Cross References
  • Set Up and Create Nonstock Items
  • Sell Nonstock Items
    Lab : Process a Sales Order with Items Substitutions
    Lab : Process a Sales Order with Item Cross References
    Lab : Sell a Non stock Item Using Special Orders

    After completing this module, students should be able to:
  • Set up one-way and two-way item substitutions.
  • Use item substitutions on sales documents.
  • Set up different types of item cross references.
  • Use item cross references on sales documents.
  • Set up the Non stock Items Setup page.
  • Create non stock items manually or by importing vendor catalogs.
  • Create an item card from a non stock item.
  • Sell non stock items.
  • Explain the drop shipment process flow.
  • Create drop shipment sales orders.
  • Explain the special order process flow.
  • Create special sales orders.
    Module 4: Purchase Order Management
    This module explains how to increase inventory management efficiency and reduce requisition cost by effectively managing the work flow and supply method agreed upon by the business partners.
    Purchase Order Management involves all the steps from creating a quotation or blanket order to receiving and invoicing the purchase order in time and according to the best possible prices.
    Prepayment functionality allows companies to retain deposits towards vendors for orders, based on different setup criteria.
  • Purchase Order Management Setup
  • Manage Purchase Transactions
  • Purchase Prices and Discounts
  • Purchase Prices
  • Invoice and Line Discounts
  • Vendor Prepayments
    Lab : Process a Purchase Quote to an Order
    Lab : Manage Alternative Purchase Prices
    Lab : Manage Purchase Line Discounts

    After completing this module, students should be able to:
  • Set up Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 database according to a company's purchase order management processes (Purchase and Payables Setup, Vendor Setup, Vendor Posting Groups, Purchase Person Setup).
  • Create and process purchase quotes.
  • Create, process, and follow up purchase blanket orders.
  • Create and process purchase orders.
  • Link purchase orders and purchase blanket orders.
  • Describe the posting process of purchase orders.
  • Post a (partial) purchase order receipt.
  • Post a purchase order invoice.
  • Set up universal and alternative purchase prices.
  • Describe the pricing functionality that the program follows when looking for the purchase price for a vendor.
  • Set up line discounts.
  • Describe the discount functionality that the program follows when looking for the line discount for a vendor.
  • Set up invoice discounts (manually or automatically calculated).
  • Set up service charges.
  • Describe the discount functionality that the program follows when looking for the invoice discount for a vendor.
  • Explain the prepayment process flows.
  • Process prepayments on a purchase order.
    Module 5: Requisition Management
    This module explains how to procure materials and supplies in optimal quantities and schedule a timely receipt into inventory.
    Requisition Management involves the setup of different planning parameters for items and stock keeping units.
    The requisition worksheet is an important element in the day-to-day planning activities.
  • Requisition Management Setup
  • Manage Reordering Policies
  • Requisition Worksheet
  • Additional Worksheet Features
    After completing this module, students should be able to:
  • Set up Requisition Management Templates.
  • Describe the primary functions of the planning parameters.
  • Define the planning parameters.
  • Describe the principles of planning logic.
  • Define project inventory and projected available inventory.
  • Describe the characteristics of each reorder policy.
  • Create a replenishment proposal by using the Calculate Plan batch job in the Requisition Worksheet.
  • Describe the different action messages on the Requisition Worksheet lines.
  • Create purchase orders from the Requisition Worksheet.
  • Use the Requisition Worksheet for drop shipment orders.
  • Use the Requisition Worksheet for replenishment proposals created by the Planning Worksheet.
  • Manually create lines in the Requisition Worksheet.
    Module 6: Item Charges
    This module explains how to manage accurate cost accounting information and profit calculations by using item charges in the purchase and sales process.
    Examples of real-life situations are provided, like the management of non-inventorial costs and purchase and sales allowances.
  • Item Charges Setup
  • Purchase Item Charges
  • Sales Item Charges
  • Purchase and Sales Allowances
    Lab : Assign Freight Charges to an Open Purchase Order
    Lab : Create an Item Charge Purchase Credit Memo

    After completing this module, students should be able to:
  • Set Up Item Charges.
  • Describe the item charge assignment process.
  • Registering item charges on a separate document by assigning posted documents (outbound and inbound).
  • Registering item charges on the same purchase document by assigning order lines.
  • Manage non- inventorial costs.
  • Process purchase and sales allowances.
    Module 7: Order Promising
    This module explains how to ensure a high level of customer service regarding order promising dates and on-time delivery, as well as how to enable the exchange of order date information with vendors.
    The Order Promising involves the calculation of dates that an item is available to promise or capable to promise.
    Order date calculation can be used on both sales and purchase documents, as well as transfer orders. The Calendar feature makes it possible to disregard non-working days in date calculations.
  • Date Calculation Concepts
  • Promise Orders to Customers
  • Date Calculation for Sales and Order Promising Setup
  • Promising Sales Order Delivery
  • Estimate Order Receipt
  • Date Calculation Setup for Purchase Orders
  • Estimating Purchase Order Receipts
  • Estimate Transfer Order Receipt
  • Calendars
    Lab : Promise Order Delivery to a Customer
    Lab : Purchase Order Promising

    After completing this module, students should be able to:
  • Describe the date calculation concepts of Available to Promise (ATP) and Capable to Promise (CTP).
  • Define the different date fields on sales documents.
  • Explain the date calculation formula for promising orders to customers.
  • Set up date calculation for sales.
  • Calculate earliest availability date through the stock out warning or by using CTP functionality.
  • Define the different date fields on purchase documents.
  • Explain the date calculation formula for expecting orders from vendors.
  • Set up date calculation for purchase.
  • Explain the date calculation formula for expecting orders from transfers.
  • Set up date calculation for transfers.
  • Explain the purpose of calendars.
  • Set up and assign base calendars.
  • Set up and assign customized calendars.
    Module 8: Returns Management
    This module explains how to ensure a high level of customer service by effectively managing return processes.
    The Return Management functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 involves the registration of compensation agreements settled with a customer or vendor.
    Timely crediting for returned items, repairing/replacing a damaged item, and replacing a wrong item are among those aspects of handling returns that a customer associates with good service.
    The more seamless and efficient these return procedures appear to the customer, the more likely it is that the customer will rate the company's customer service highly.
  • Activity Diagram for Returns Management
  • Returns Management Setup
  • Manage Customer Returns
  • Manage Returns to Vendors
    Lab : Process a Customer Return
    Lab : Process the Vendor Return

    After completing this module, students should be able to:
  • Describe tasks involved in common return processes.
  • Use the Activity Diagram for Returns Management.
  • Setup Returns Management (Sales and Receivables Setup, Purchase and Payables Setup, Return Reason Codes).
  • Explain the purpose of the Inventory Value Zero field on a return reason code.
  • Handle exact cost reversal on return orders (manually - Apply from Item Entry, or automatically - Copy document, Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse).
  • Process both physical returns as well as financial agreements.
  • Process returned items for vendor repair.
  • Create return related documents.
  • Combine return shipments.
  • Process a purchase allowance.
    Module 9: Analysis and Reporting
    This module explains how to analyze a company's performance by using the analysis reporting and budgeting functionality in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.
    It involves the processes of setting up report templates and budget templates, including dimensions information. Additionally, reports and budgets can be transported to Microsoft Excel.
  • Analysis Reports
  • Analysis by Dimensions
  • Sales and Purchase Budgets
    Lab : Create an Analysis Report
    Lab : Analyze Item Sales by Area
    Lab : Create a Sales Budget

    After completing this module, students should be able to:
  • Setup line templates.
  • Setup column templates.
  • Use and create analysis types.
  • Customize and create Analysis Reports.
  • Use dimensions to set up Customer Groups, Item Groups, and Salespeople.
  • Export an Analysis Report to Excel.
  • Set up Analysis Views.
  • Create Analysis by Dimensions.
  • Export Analysis by Dimensions to Excel.
  • Create a Sales Budget.
  • Create a Purchase Budget.
  • Export a budget to Excel.
  • Import a budget from Excel.
  • Prerequisites: 

    Before attending this course, students must have:

  • General knowledge of Windows
  • Completed the Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 training or on-line Tutorials
  • Basic knowledge of distribution and logistics

    In addition, it is recommended, but not required, that students have:

  • Completed the Inventory Management in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 training or on-line Tutorials
  • Benefits: 

    After completing this course, students should be able to:

  • Manage sales transactions
  • Create and use sales prices and discounts
  • Process sales of items with substitutions and cross references
  • Process sales of nonstock items
  • Manage purchase transactions
  • Create and process purchase requisitions
  • Set up and use item charges
  • Use the order promising functionality
  • Process returns from customers and to vendors
  • Create analysis reports
  • Perform analysis by dimensions
  • Create sales and purchase budgets
  • Audience: 

    This course is intended for individuals wanting to learn the basic features and to develop a working knowledge of the typical day-to-day procedures required to effectively use Trade in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.

    The class is targeted toward sales and purchase managers, salespeople and purchasers, and others in an organization responsible for the set up and administration of trade functionality, including item prices, discounts, and substitutions.

    Materials Available: 
    20 hours
    For more information on Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 In Trade (80258A) please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.