Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Human Resources and Payroll - US (8813A)

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This comprehensive course provides you with an in-depth view of the extensive functionality contained within the Human Resources and Payroll applications. Besides learning the functionality, you will also learn tips and techniques that can help make an implementation successful, and you will gain a thorough understanding of the HR and Payroll applications and its capabilities.

The course covers the setup of the Payroll and Human Resources modules. It covers the processing of Payroll checks, and the everyday tracking of Human Resources. It also covers the Applicant functionality found in Human Resources so you can track the necessary information to hire quality employees. The class also discusses the Attendance functionality which can be used to track employee attendance and absences using time codes. The integration of Payroll and Human Resources is also a focus of this class.

Course Contents: 

Chapter 1: System and Organization Setup

The purpose of this chapter is to give students a general overview of the features and benefits of using the Payroll and Human Resources modules in an integrated environment. It also focuses on how the modules integrate with other modules in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Application.

Main Topics

  • Features and Benefits
  • Employee Number Setup
  • User Setup
  • Human Resources User Preferences
  • Human Resource Preferences
  • Payroll Preferences and Structure
  • Organizational Structure

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Identify the features and benefits available when using Payroll
  • Assign default Employee ID numbers
  • Set up a user in Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and Payroll
  • Customize Microsoft Dynamics GP for individual preferences
  • Understand the system preferences available for Human Resources
  • Understand the procedures to follow when setting up the Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll module
  • Understand the various components within Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and Payroll that define the organization structure

    Chapter 2: Payroll Setup

    This chapter focuses on additional payroll setups that need to be accomplished. Focusing on pay codes, employee classes, direct deposit and taxes, will enable the user to define the payroll structure within Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and Payroll. Other setups including Payroll Integration to Payables and Workers' Compensation will further define how Payroll will integrate with other modules.

    Main Topics

  • Setting up Pay Codes and Types
  • Setting and Activating Post-Dated Pay Rates
  • Setting up Overtime Rate Manager
  • Setting up Payroll Integration to Payables Management
  • Setting up Employee Classes
  • Payroll Direct Deposit Setup
  • ACH File Setup
  • ACH Header and Footer Setup
  • Setting Up Taxes and Compensation Codes


  • Setting Up Employee Classes

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Set up the pay code window and the codes required to pay employee wages
  • Set up Post-Dated Pay Rates and activate them
  • Set up pay codes for tips, understand and setup Pay Steps and Salary Matrixes
  • Set up Overtime Rate Manager calculation methods and Overtime Rate Manager options
  • Accurately setup the integration to make the association between the payroll totals and their appropriate vendors
  • Set up Employee Classes
  • Accurately follow setup procedures for Direct Deposit
  • Attain ACH File setup skills
  • Properly setup the ACH Header and Footer
  • Set up Taxes and Compensation Codes

    Chapter 3: Deductions and Benefit Setup

    This chapter focuses on the Benefit and Deduction setups that need to be completed. Deduction and Benefit codes are instrumental in defining the structure within Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and Payroll. Included in these codes are health insurance, life insurance, retirement plans and miscellaneous benefits. There also is the ability to setup garnishments and to track deductions in arrears.

    Main Topics

  • Setting up Deductions and Benefits
  • Granting Payroll View Access to a User
  • Setting up Benefit Preferences
  • Setting up Miscellaneous Benefits and Garnishments
  • Setting up a Copayment Records and Coverage Types
  • Setting up a Health Insurance, Life Insurance and Retirement Plan Benefits
  • Setting up a Standard Deduction and determining Deduction Sequence
  • Setting up Deduction In Arrears


  • Health Insurance Setup
  • Life Insurance Setup
  • Retirement Plans Setup

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Identify what a deduction and benefit are in Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Set up a user to have Payroll View Access in Microsoft Dynamics GP to allow them to complete a benefit enrollment in both Human Resources and Payroll
  • Set up standards and defaults for benefits and deductions
  • Set up Miscellaneous Benefits for employee benefits that include charitable contributions and union dues
  • Set up court ordered garnishment deductions
  • Set up the Earnings Setup window to define an employee's net disposable income
  • Set up a Health Insurance, Life Insurance and Retirement Plan Benefits
  • Set up Payroll Deductions
  • Set up the Employee Deduction Sequence window to specify sequences for individual employees
  • Set up deduction in arrears parameters on the Deduction Setup window
  • Complete a benefit or deductions setup using the Incomplete Setup Codes window

    Chapter 4: Other Human Resources Setups

    The steps found in this chapter complete the foundation for Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and Payroll modules. These employee-related setups include Interviews, Skills, Training and Reviews. In addition, User-defined fields and Extra fields can be used to provide flexibility for the organization and enable them to customize data within the Microsoft Dynamics GP.

    Main Topics

  • Interviews
  • Skills, Skill Sets and Tests
  • Orientation and Termination Checklists
  • Training Courses and Classes
  • Extra Fields and User-Defined Fields Setup
  • Review Policy Setup
  • Creating a Property Item Record


  • Interviews
  • Skills, Skill Sets and Tests Setup
  • Defining the Employee User Defined window
  • Review Policy Setup
  • Creating a Property Item Record

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Create Interview forms based on position or other variables
  • Define, understand and setup a skill, a skill set and a test within the Microsoft Dynamics GP environment
  • Set up checklists to guide Human Resources employees through the Orientation and Termination processes
  • Understand the difference between a course and a class when dealing with Training in Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and be able to set up both
  • Link skills to a class so that they can be added to an employee's skill record
  • Set up Extra Fields for both Applicant and Employee related windows
  • Set up Review Policies to create the forms necessary to administer employee reviews
  • Set up Property records to track the issuance and return of company property such as keys, tools or computers

    Chapter 5: Applicants

    This chapter defines the features of the Applicant feature that support gathering data about applicants for demographics, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), background information, requisitions and queries. The applicant portion of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and Payroll module crosses all companies so that when a person applies for a position, he or she can be assigned to whichever company is necessary. The more an organization knows about an applicant, the better their decision-making ability when it comes time to choose an applicant to hire. The Applicant feature also enables the user to record interview information, score interviews, prepare offer letters, and hire an applicant. Once an applicant is hired through this feature, relevant data is transferred to the Employee record to minimize the time involved when bringing someone new on board.

    Main Topics

  • Requisitions and Applicant Costs
  • Applicant Entry
  • Applicant Background
  • Applicant Skills and Tests
  • Interviews, Offers and Hiring


  • Adding a Requisition
  • Adding an Applicant Record
  • Adding an Interview Record
  • Adding an Offer
  • Hiring an Applicant

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Add a requisition and learn how to view applicants that have applied and the related costs
  • Add information into the Applicant Entry window using the Extra Fields and User Defined window options
  • Enter information about an applicant's education, work history and references
  • Enter and retrieve information about an applicant's skills, proficiencies and any related comments
  • Perform skills query and sub-query to extract data from the applicant pool
  • Enter interview information, make an offer and hire the applicant of choice

    Chapter 6: Employee Maintenance

    This chapter discusses the importance of employee records. The information entered in these records are used to track the status of an employee and store vital information. Information that can be stored as part of the employee maintenance process includes: I-9 information, additional employee-related information such as birth date and spouse, multiple addresses, HR Status, VETS-100, Review data information, dependent information, company property and union information. From a payroll perspective, ongoing maintenance for pay codes, tax information, direct deposit and pay steps is needed.

    Main Topics

  • Adding an Employee I-9 Record
  • Creating an Employee Record
  • Changing an Employee's Position and creating an Additional Position Record for an Employee
  • Creating Additional information Records
  • Adding an Employee Address Record
  • Adding an Employee Human Resources Record
  • Employee Vacation-Sick Time Maintenance
  • Adding an Employee Contact Record
  • Adding an Employee Dependent Record
  • Property Records
  • Union Records
  • Employee Extra Fields and User-Defined Fields
  • Employee Pay Code Maintenance
  • Entering an Employee Federal, State and Local Tax Record
  • Employee Direct Deposit Maintenance
  • Pay Steps Maintenance


  • Adding an Employee I-9 Record
  • Adding an Employee Dependent Record
  • Assigning a Property Item to an Employee

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Add an I-9 form and enter the verification data needed to support citizenship or immigration status
  • Enter an employee record for a new employee and change the employee record to reflect the current employee information
  • Create an Additional Position for an employee
  • Enter an employee additional information record for a new employee or modify the record to reflect the current employee information
  • Create additional address records including phone numbers and Internet information
  • Set up additional Human Resources information such as ethnicity, gender, Vets-100 and information about the spouse
  • Assign Vacation and Sick information to an employee when using Payroll to accrue for this time
  • Create employee contact information in the case of an emergency
  • Set up employee dependent information to use in the Benefit subsystem
  • Assign property to an employee
  • Assign union information to an employee
  • Enter data for extra fields or for user-define windows per employee
  • Assign pay codes to an employee
  • Enter and maintain employee tax records
  • Enter direct deposit information for a specific employee
  • Assign Pay Step Table to an employee and activate post-dated pay rates

    Chapter 7: Employee Attendance

    The objective of this chapter is to explain how Microsoft Dynamics GP allows for accruing of benefit time through Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll or the Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources attendance feature. To accrue time using Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources, accrual periods, accruals, accrual schedules and time codes must be set up. The Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll system allows for the automatic calculation of vacation and sick time and the reduction of time as hours are taken, whether accruals are being used or not.

    Main Topics

  • Attendance Setup
  • Employee Maintenance and Summary
  • Attendance Transactions
  • Vacation Planning
  • Using Payroll for Attendance


  • Setting up Attendance
  • Pay Period Setup
  • Setting up Accruals
  • Setting up an Accrual Schedule
  • Setting up a Time Code
  • Adding an Employee Attendance Maintenance Record
  • Using Human resources - Attendance Transactions
  • Vacation Planning

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Set up Attendance including accrual periods, accruals, accrual schedules and time codes to account for benefit time using the attendance feature in Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources
  • Assign time codes to employees using the Employee Attendance Maintenance window
  • View employee time used and time available using the Employee Attendance Summary window
  • Use the Attendance Transaction Entry window to enter transactions for Hours Used and for Hours Available adjustments
  • Create Absence Entry records to update the vacation calendar for planned absences in the future
  • Set up Attendance to accrue benefit time in Payroll

    Chapter 8: Employee Benefits

    This chapter focuses on assigning various benefits, such as health insurance, life insurance, retirement plans and other miscellaneous benefits. These benefits can be entered through the Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources module, which also provides the ability to see an overview of each employee's benefit enrollment, a benefit summary, the tracking of history and the ability to provide a customized total compensation report.

    In addition, FMLA and COBRA is addressed, as well as the ability to track FMLA leave and COBRA enrollments. The organization can also choose to record premiums for benefits that are due and then record payments as they are received.

    Main Topics

  • Benefit Enrollment
  • Deduction and Benefit Records
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Benefit Summary and History
  • Total Compensation


  • Enrolling an Employee in a Health Insurance Plan
  • Enrolling an Employee in a Life Insurance Plan
  • Enrolling an Employee in a Retirement Plan
  • Enrolling an Employee in a Miscellaneous Plan

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Enroll employee in health, life, retirement and other miscellaneous benefits
  • Set up employee deduction and benefit records using the Payroll system
  • Initiate FLMA leave and track insurance premiums due and those paid
  • Initiate COBRA coverage by notifying an employee of his or her rights, recording the election and tracking the monthly payments made
  • Use the Benefits Summary window to view benefits and to view benefit history where historical records are maintained
  • Use the Total Compensation/Benefit Summary window to gather data to provide a report to employees about the value of their benefits

    Chapter 9: Daily Payroll Procedures

    In this chapter we will discuss how to create Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll transactions, including a computer check, manual check, arrears, mandatory arrears and Payroll accrual transactions. Payroll provides the capability to enter transactions and batches. Transactions can be created in single-use batches or recurring batches. Recurring batches are used for transactions that are entered on a regular basis. Batches can be identified as a group of transactions entered by a specific employee, or a group of transactions entered on a particular date.

    Main Topics

  • Activate Post-Dated Pay Rates
  • Batches and Posting
  • Payroll Transactions
  • Payroll Direct Deposit Routines
  • Generate ACH File


  • Entering Employee Mass Transactions
  • Entering Payroll Computer Check Transactions
  • Building Payroll Checks
  • Calculating Payroll Checks
  • Printing and Posting Checks

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Process payroll from the setting up of batches through the posting to the General Ledger
  • Enter various payroll transactions including manual checks, mass transactions, and retroactive pay
  • Process Direct Deposit for employees
  • Generate an ACH File

    Chapter 10: Employee Assets and Development

    In this chapter we will discuss how to assign the education, skills, tests and training codes to employees completing the cycle of Employee Assets. As indicated when setting up the codes for these various assets, it is increasingly important for employer's to track relevant information about their employees and their endeavors to further educate themselves.

    Main Topics

  • Employee Education
  • Employee Skills and Test
  • Employee Orientation
  • Employee Training


  • Assigning Skills to an Employee Record
  • Querying Employee Skills
  • Creating an Employee Test Record

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Assign education records to an employee
  • Assign skills, skill sets and test records to an employee
  • Assign an orientation checklist to an employee and maintain the progress of the orientation process
  • Learn to add or remove individual or groups of employees to a training class

    Chapter 11: Employee Performance

    This chapter focuses on tracking employee discipline, grievances, reviews and work-related injury and illness records. The system provides flexibility in how to document disciplinary actions and reviews providing multiple ways to document these processes. For grievances and injury and illness records, the processes are defined by the organization and maintenance is easy to accomplish.

    Main Topics

  • Employee Discipline
  • Employee Grievances
  • Employee Reviews
  • Employee Injury and Illness


  • Employee Discipline
  • Employee Review

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Create records for employee disciplinary actions using either a points system or progressive discipline
  • Record an employee grievance and record the steps as the follow-up to the grievance occurs
  • Add employee review records with written information and numerical scoring
  • Record critical information for meeting OSHA and organizational safety standards about job-related injuries and illnesses enabling the generation of OSHA reports and logs.

    Chapter 12: Employee History

    This chapter focuses on employee earnings history, position history, transfers and terminations. Microsoft Dynamics GP provides the flexibility to view earnings history through the Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources module and to add, view and change position history records.

    In addition, the processing of employee transfer requests is supported in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources module. Multiple requests can be recorded along with any applicable notes that are required.

    Finally when an employee is scheduled to leave employment, Microsoft Dynamics GP provides a termination checklist to ensure all the appropriate steps are taken and also provides the ability to record information from an exit interview.

    Main Topics

  • Employee Earnings and Position History
  • Employee Transfers
  • Employee Termination

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Know what can be added, changed, viewed or deleted in the employee Earnings History and Position History records
  • Input and track employee transfer requests for a different position
  • Create a termination record for an employee and record information from an exit interview

    Chapter 13: Inquiries, Reports and Organization Explorer

    This chapter focuses on how Microsoft Dynamics GP allows information to be viewed and printed using Inquiry windows and Reports. The Inquiry windows allow the user to view information about employees, their benefits, payroll information, and other historical data.

    The Reports window allows the user to create a report option once and print it again at any time without having to redefine the option. The reports printed, as a result, are up-to-date and can be printed quickly and easily at any time.

    Main Topics

  • Inquiries
  • Reports
  • Organization Explorer


  • Reports

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • View and print information from various inquiry windows available using either Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll or Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources
  • Learn to create report options, determine report destination and formats and print reports
  • Use Organization Explorer to view an organizational chart, create or change the number of vacancies and create requisitions

    Chapter 14: Utilities and Routines

    Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and Payroll provides various Utilities, Routines and Procedures to assist a user with tasks. Both Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll provide a way to ensure data integrity with the use of a Reconcile function. In addition, it provides the ability to archive employee and applicant records for those that are no longer active in an effort to maximize the efficiency of the system.

    This chapter also explains the use of tools such as Compensation Management and Desk Accessories that assist the user in planning activities. Compensation Management helps to analyze and update employee compensation. Desk Accessories provides the means to update To Do Lists, create records of contact information and also provide a Notepad to keep notes in one place.

    Payroll provides the ability to do Mass Updates on certain employee data such as pay rates, benefits, deductions, vacation and sick time. In addition, Payroll provides a way to update tax tables, edit tax liabilities and print reports for period-end, quarter-end and year-end including W-2s, 1099Rs, and Form 8027.

    Main Topics

  • Reconcile Feature
  • Remove History
  • Archive Employee and Applicant Records
  • Compensation Management
  • Tax Table Update
  • Print Period-end, Quarter-end and Year-end Reports
  • Close Payroll Year-end and Printing W-2's, 1099R's and 8027's
  • Business Contact Information
  • To Do List Entries

    After completing this chapter, students should be able to:

  • Reconcile Human Resources and Payroll employee records
  • Perform mass updates for pay rate adjustments, benefit rate changes, or adjustments to sick and vacation time
  • Archive applicant and employee records for future use
  • View the impact of wages changes for groups of employees using the Compensation management tool
  • Update federal tax tables
  • Edit tax liabilities
  • Print Period-end, Quarter-end and Year-end reports including W-2's, 1099R's, and 8027's
  • Create To Do List and Notepad entries
  • Prerequisites: 

    Before attending this course, it is recommended that students have:

  • Some working knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Some basic understanding of Payroll law and regulations
  • Benefits: 

    After completing this course, students should be able to:

  • Use Payroll Setup windows to customize the application to organizational needs
  • Understand the available global setups that are available in Human Resources
  • Set up Benefits and Deductions in Human Resources and Payroll.
  • Set up Attendance including time codes and accruals and how they are attached to employees
  • Create pay codes, deduction codes, benefit codes, taxes and other employee related items used to calculate Payroll checks
  • Assign methods to calculate vacation and sick time for employees
  • Process, generate and void Payroll checks for employees
  • Use Human Resource Employee windows and be familiar with how they may be used to track necessary data about employees
  • Use the Applicant system to better suit your organizational needs
  • Use miscellaneous Payroll and Human Resources tools such as Payroll Gross Up, To-Do Lists and Compensation Management
  • Create Human Resources and Payroll report options and produce desired reports
  • Print numerous other Payroll documents such as W-2's, 1099R's and others
  • Use Direct Deposit instead of generating checks for certain employees
  • Close the Payroll year and prepare the system for the next year
  • Audience: 

    This class is targeted toward administrators, implementers, consultants and end-users who need to understand the technical aspects of using the Microsoft Dynamics GP Human Resources and Payroll modules and want to gain the ability to manage employee and applicant information. Direct Deposit is also covered in this course. This course focuses on an integrated Human Resources and Payroll system.

    Materials Available: 
    24 hours
    For more information on Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Human Resources and Payroll - US (8813A) please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.