Microsoft Dynamics AX (Axapta) 2009 Fixed Assets (80018A)

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This two-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to use the Fixed Assets functions in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.
The course focuses on the various setup requirements for Fixed Assets, transactions, and reports and inquiries.

Course Contents: 

Module 1: Introduction
This module explains the basic Fixed Assets concepts and components. It also describes the integration between Fixed Assets and the General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Inventory Management modules.
Fixed Assets Overview
Functionality That Is Required for Fixed Asset Accounting
Structure and Integration With Other Modules
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Provide an overview of Fixed assets.
Review required functionality for Fixed assets.
Review the integration of Fixed assets with General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Project Accounting and Inventory Management modules.
Module 2: Setup Procedures
This module explains how to perform the necessary setup of the system and the Fixed Assets module. It also describes some country specific setup requirements.
System Setup for Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets Module Setup- Depreciation Profiles, Asset Calendars and Depreciation Books
Fixed Assets Module Setup- Value Models, Asset Groups, Disposal and Posting Profiles
Fixed Assets Module Setup- Parameters
Capitalization Threshold- Fixed Assets
Parameters- Purchase Orders Field Group
Reason Codes in Fixed Assets
Depreciation Methods
Depreciation Conventions
Depreciation Books Overview
Extended Functionality Features - Provision Types and Bonus Depreciation
Mass Update Depreciation Conventions for a Depreciation Book
Country and Region Specific Features
Lab : Set Up Journal Names
This lab provides experience in setting up the Journal names for the journals used by Fixed assets.
Lab : Set Up Ledger Accounts
This lab provides experience in creating the ledger accounts necessary to create and post fixed asset transactions.
Lab : Set Up a Number Sequence
In this lab, the number sequences necessary for the Fixed asset module will be set up.
Lab : Set Up a Depreciation Profile
A Depreciation profile will be set up in a practice environment.
Lab : Set Up Value Models
This lab provides experience in creating Value models.
Lab : Set Up a Fixed Asset Group
Fixed asset groups are an important component of the fixed asset setup. This lab provides experience in setting up those groups.
Lab : Set Up a Posting Profile
A Posting profile will be set up in a practice environment.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Review system setup for Fixed assets.
Review the basic setup requirements for the Fixed assets module.
Discuss the Value models, Asset Groups, Disposal and Posting profile components of Fixed assets setup.
Discuss the setup of Parameters within Fixed assets setup.
Explain how to use the Capitalization threshold.
Discuss Fixed asset Purchase orders field group parameters.
Describe, create and modify Reason codes in Fixed assets.
Review depreciation methods.
Review depreciation conventions.
Depreciation books overview.
Introduce extended functionality setup requirements for Fixed assets.
Review Mass update depreciation conventions for a depreciation book.
Introduce country and region-specific features in Fixed assets.

Module 3: Setup of Assets
This module explains how to set up the company's fixed assets in the application. It also covers lending assets, assigning bar codes to assets, and budgeting with assets. Project module integration will also be discussed.
Fixed Asset Form
Setting Up Assets in the Fixed Asset Module
Inquiries In The Fixed Assets Form
Inquiries In The Depreciation Book Form
Lending Assets
Assigning Bar Codes to Assets
Asset Budgeting
Project Module Integration to Fixed Assets
Lab : Set Up a Fixed Asset
Comprehensive practice in creating and setting up a fixed asset will be provided in this lab.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Review the fields and functionality available in the Fixed asset table.
Distinguish between financial and non-financial information for assets.
Set up a fixed asset.
Demonstrate the use of inquiries in the Fixed asset table.
Review the inquiries available in the Depreciation book form.
Review asset lending.
Review assigning bar codes to assets.
Review the features of asset budgeting.
Associate and manage fixed assets within the Projects form.
Review the fixed asset details associated with a project or subproject.

Module 4: Asset Transactions
This module explains how to use and record different Fixed Assets transaction types. It covers acquisition, depreciation, value adjustments, and disposal. Procedures for creating and acquiring fixed assets using Accounts payable Purchase orders are also discussed. Maintenance of asset transactions is explained, such as transaction reversal, updating replacement costs and insured values, copying fixed assets and changing groups, and fixed asset additions.
Typical Fixed Asset Transaction Types
Recording Asset Transactions - Acquisitions
Creating and Acquiring Fixed Assets From Purchase Orders in Accounts Payable
Recording Asset Transactions - Depreciation
Recording Asset Transactions - Value Adjustments
Recording Asset Transactions - Disposals
Other Asset Transactions
Transaction Reversals - Fixed Assets
Replacement Cost and Insured Value Update
Copying Fixed Assets and Changing Fixed Asset Groups
Fixed Asset Additions
Lab : Acquiring an Asset Using the Fixed Assets Journal
In this lab, practice will be provided in acquiring a fixed asset using the Fixed assets journal.
Lab : Acquiring an Asset Using the Inventory to Fixed Assets Journal
Companies often build fixed assets from inventory items. This lab provides practice in creating and posting the necessary journal.
Lab : Depreciating an Asset Using a Proposal
For efficiency, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 provides proposal functionality in the asset journals, which aids in the decision and selection of which asset transactions to post. This lab provides practice in working with those proposals.
Lab : Dispose of an Asset Using the Fixed Assets Journal
Companies often sell or scrap fixed assets, especially at the end of their useful lives. Practice will be provided in this lab for disposal of assets.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Use asset transaction types.
Use journals to manually enter fixed asset transactions.
Create fixed assets in accounts payable.
Control fixed asset acquisition transaction creation from accounts payable.
Restrict user group permissions for posting fixed asset acquisition transactions in accounts payable.
Create a fixed asset record directly from accounts payable, during posting of a purchase order packing slip or invoice.
Describe when the Fixed asset receipt and Fixed asset issue account types will be used.
Set up the Fixed asset receipt and Fixed asset issue accounts.
Use proposals to enter fixed asset transactions.
Discuss value adjustments for fixed assets.
Discuss fixed asset disposals.
Discuss other kinds of asset transactions.
Describe where fixed asset transaction reversals are performed.
Perform fixed asset transaction reversals.
Describe how the replacement cost factor and the insured value factor on the asset group, are used to update an asset's replacement cost and insured value amounts.
Process updates to an asset's replacement cost and insured value amounts.
Copy a fixed asset.
Change a fixed asset group.
Enter a fixed asset addition.

Module 5: Inquiries and Reports
This chapter explains how to create and view the inquiries and reports available in the Fixed Assets module.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Review data inquiries available in Fixed assets.
Review reports available in Fixed assets.


Before attending this course, students must have completed the following courses, or obtained equivalent knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 processes:
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
Financials I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
Financials II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009


After completing this course, students will be able to:
Set up the Fixed asset system, including Parameters and Number sequences.
Set up the necessary components for Fixed assets, including but not limited to Value models, Fixed asset groups, Depreciation methods, Depreciation profiles, and Depreciation conventions.
Create and maintain Fixed asset records.
Create and update Fixed asset transactions, including acquisitions, depreciation, disposal and adjustment transactions.
Inquire into and run reports on Fixed asset transactions.


This course is intended for individuals on the implementation team, administrating or using the Fixed Assets and Financial management modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. This audience typically includes individuals who are tasked with assessing a customer's business needs and advising them on the use, configuration and customization of the application. Additionally, individuals responsible for training or supporting Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 benefit from this course.

Materials Available: 
16 hours
For more information on Microsoft Dynamics AX (Axapta) 2009 Fixed Assets (80018A) please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.