This two-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to work with Bills of Materials in a non-production environment.
Module 1: Bill of Materials Overview
This module provides an overview of the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Bill of Materials functionality. This covers general concepts, BOM features and elements, different forms used, and the standard BOM creation process.
General Overview
Bill of Material Concepts
BOMs/Routes in Multisite Environment
Features of BOMs in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
BOM Levels
BOM Lines
BOM Line Type and its Usage
Bill of Material Form Overview
Item Form
BOM Form
BOM Line Form
BOM Designer Form
Bill of Material Creation Process
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Bill of Material.
Explain the concepts of BOMs in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.
Describe the different BOM forms.
Describe the standard BOM creation process.
Module 2: Creating Simple BOMs
This module explains how to create simple BOMs using the BOM form, and create and edit simple BOMs using the BOM designer.
Create BOMs in the BOM form
Create and Edit BOMs in the BOM Designer
Using the BOM Designer from the BOM Form
Editing BOMs using the BOM Designer
Deleting BOM Component Lines in the BOM Designer
Lab : Create a BOM without a Version
Lab : Create a BOM in the BOM Designer
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Create simple BOMs using the BOM form.
Create and edit BOMs using the BOM designer.
Module 3: Creating BOMs with Versions
This module explains the concept of version control, and describes how to create BOMs with versions. In addition, it covers activating, copying, and changing BOM versions, and creating quantity-dependent BOMs and using other version-related functionality.
BOM Versions Overview
Version Control Methods
Version Control Using Date and Quantity
Version Control Using Site
Deactivate BOM Versions
BOM/Route Version Assigned to Multiple Items Based on Site
Creating BOMs Using the Item form
Activate Multiple BOM Versions
Activating BOM Versions and Validating Lines
Copy BOM Versions
Copying BOMs
Change BOM Versions
Create BOMs with a Version from the BOM Form
Create BOMs with Versions in the BOM Designer
Overview of the BOM Designer Functionality
Quantity Dependent BOMs
Working with Validity Dates and Sub-BOMs on Component Lines
Validity Dates of BOM Lines
Using Validity Dates
Sub-BOMs on Component Items
Lab : Creating a BOM with a Version from the Item Form
Lab : Creating a BOM with a Version in the BOM Form
Lab : Creating a BOM with a Version in the BOM designer
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe the concept and purpose of BOM versions.
Create BOMs from the Item form.
Describe how to activate BOM versions.
Describe how to copy and change BOM versions.
Describe how to use the BOM form to assign and create BOM versions.
Create and edit BOMs using the BOM designer.
Describe and create a quantity dependent BOM.
Explain validity dates and sub-BOMs on BOM component lines.
Module 4: Working with BOM and Item Configurations
This module explains the purpose, use, and setup of BOM configurations and Item Configurations. In addition, Configuration groups, Configuration routes, and Configuration rules are discussed.
BOM Configurations
Configuration Groups
Configuration Route
Configuration Rule
Item Configuration
Item Configuration Prerequisites
Lab : Create and Use Configuration Groups
Lab : Create Configuration Routes
Lab : Create Configuration Rules
Lab : Add Item Configurations
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe the purpose and advantages of BOM and Item configurations.
Describe the purpose, use, and setup of configuration groups, routes, and rules.
Describe, set up, and use Item configurations.
Module 5: Working with BOM Calculations
This module explains the BOM calculation structure used in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, in addition to the use and set up of Cost groups, Profit settings, Calculation groups and Costing versions. Running and viewing BOM calculations, including cost and sales price calculations is also addressed. Finally, exclusions to BOM calculations are discussed.
BOM Calculation Structure
Cost Breakdown
Cost Groups, Profit Settings, and Calculation Groups
Cost Groups
Profit Settings
Cost Breakdown Calculation Groups
Setup of Costing Version
Use of Costing Version
Cost Data Maintenance
Item Price Form
BOM Calculation Form
Summary Function
Complete BOM Calculation Form
Cost and Sales Price Calculations
Access Cost and Sales Price Calculation Form
BOM Calculation Form Accessed from the Item Form
BOM Calculation Form Accessed from the Periodic Folder
Explosion Mode and BOM Stop Explosion
Explosion Mode Options
Explosion Mode
Lab : Create a Cost Group with Profit Settings
Lab : Create a Calculation Group
Lab : Running BOM Calculations and Comparing Results
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Explain the BOM calculation structure.
Describe and set up Cost groups, Profit settings, and Calculation groups.
Set up and view costing versions - planned cost and BOM calculations with the Summary and Complete functions.
Explain the BOM calculation form.
Run and review cost and sales price calculations.
Explain BOM calculation Explosion mode and Stop Explosion.
Module 6: Sales Orders and BOMs
This module describes creating a sales order with a configurable BOM, viewing, exploding, and calculating the BOM from a sales order, and transferring calculation prices and quantities to a sales order.
Configurable BOMs and Sales Orders
Viewing BOMs on a Sales Order
View BOMs using the Composed of - Tree Form
Designer Tab
Setup Tab
Changing BOM Components from the Sales Order
Explode a BOM from a Sales Order
Calculate BOMs from a Sales Order
Transfer BOM Calculation Prices and Quantities
Transfer Quantities
Lab : Use Configurable BOMs in the Sales Order
Lab : BOM Calculation from a Sales Order
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Create a sales order using a configurable BOM.
View the BOM structure from a sales order.
Explode a BOM from a sales order.
Calculate a BOM from a sales order.
Module 7: Scrap and Measurement
This module describes the use and setup of constant and variable scrap and BOM calculations using scrap. The module also covers the use and setup of measurement configurations including consumption calculation, rounding-up, measurement dimensions, conversion factors, and BOM calculations using measurements.
BOM Scrap
Specifying Scrap
Scrap Setting on the BOM
Scrap and Calculation
BOM Measurement
Setting up Measurement Configuration
Measurement Settings
Measurement Conversion Factors
Lab : Add BOM Scrap and Run Calculations
Lab : Set Up and Calculate BOM Measurement
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe and set up scrap parameters:
Constant and variable scrap on the BOM
BOM calculations using scrap
Explain and set up measurement configurations:
Consumption calculation
Measurement dimensions
Conversion factors
Perform BOM calculations using measurements
Module 8: Report a BOM as Finished
This module describes the purpose of reporting a BOM as finished, and explores the methods of accessing the report as a finished process within Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.
Report a BOM as Finished
Max. Report as Finished Form
Report as Finished Process
Report as Finished from the Periodic Folder
Report as Finished from the Item Form
Report as Finished from the BOM Journal
Lab : Report a BOM as Finished
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Explain the purpose of reporting a BOM as finished by using the Max. report as finished form.
Access the Report as a finished process, from the following areas:
Periodic folder.
Item form.
BOM journal.
Module 9: Reports and Other BOM Functionality
This module describes the standard BOM reports in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and other BOM functionality including changing and checking BOMs, and sorting BOM lines.
Standard BOM Reports
Lines Report
Where-used Report
Where-used Inquiry from the Item Form
Where-used Inquiry from the BOM Line Form
BOM Calculation Report
Other BOM Functionality
Changing BOMs
Checking BOMs
Sorting BOM Lines
Lab : Change a BOM
Lab : Run a Manual BOM Check
Lab : Set Up and Run an Automatic BOM Check
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe standard Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 reports:
BOM calculations.
Describe other BOM functionality:
Changing and Checking BOMs.
Sorting BOM lines.
Before attending this course, students must have:
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Trade and Logistics Series I & II
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Describe Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Bill of Materials concepts, forms, and functionality.
Outline the standard BOM creation processes.
Understand the use of BOMs/routes in multisite production environment.
Create and edit simple BOMs.
Explain the concepts, purposes, and processes of BOM versions.
Describe and create quantity-dependent BOMs.
Explain the purpose and use of BOM and Item configurations.
Outline the BOM calculation structure, including its set up and processing.
Set up costing versions.
Create sales orders from configurable BOMs.
Set up and describe constant and variable scrap on the BOM.
Explain and set up measurement configuration on the BOM.
Outline the purpose and process of reporting a BOM as finished.
Describe standard Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 BOM reports.
Change and check BOMs.
Sort BOM lines.
This course is intended for Partners, customers, and Microsoft team members with moderate to extensive knowledge of Bill of Materials functionality in a Trade and Logistics environment.