MCTS Exam 70 - 505: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Forms Application Development

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Course Contents: 

Chapter 1: Windows Forms and the User Interface;
1.1 Before You Begin;
1.2 Lesson 1: Adding and Configuring Windows Forms;
1.3 Lesson 2: Managing Control Layout with Container Controls;
1.4 Chapter Review;
1.5 Suggested Practices;
1.6 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 2: Configuring Controls and Creating the User Interface;
2.1 Before You Begin;
2.2 Lesson 1: Configuring Controls in Windows Forms;
2.3 Lesson 2: Creating and Configuring Command and Text Display Controls;
2.4 Lesson 3: Creating and Configuring Text Edit Controls;
2.5 Chapter Review;
2.6 Suggested Practices;
2.7 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 3: Advanced Windows Forms Controls;
3.1 Before You Begin;
3.2 Lesson 1: Creating and Configuring List-Display Controls;
3.3 Lesson 2: Creating and Configuring Value-Setting, Date-Setting, and Image-Display Controls;
3.4 Lesson 3: Configuring the WebBrowser Control and the NotifyIcon Component and Creating Access Keys;
3.5 Chapter Review;
3.6 Suggested Practices;
3.7 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 4: Tool Strips, Menus, and Events;
4.1 Before You Begin;
4.2 Lesson 1: Configuring Tool Strips;
4.3 Lesson 2: Creating and Configuring Menus;
4.4 Lesson 3: Using Events and Event Handlers;
4.5 Chapter Review;
4.6 Suggested Practices;
4.7 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 5: Configuring Connections and Connecting to Data;
5.1 Before You Begin;
5.2 Lesson 1: Creating and Configuring Connection Objects;
5.3 Lesson 2: Connecting to Data Using Connection Objects;
5.4 Lesson 3: Working with Connection Pools;
5.5 Lesson 4: Handling Connection Errors;
5.6 Lesson 5: Enumerating the Available SQL Servers on a Network;
5.7 Lesson 6: Securing Sensitive Connection String Data;
5.8 Chapter Review;
5.9 Suggested Practices;
5.10 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 6: Working with Data in a Connected Environment;
6.1 Before You Begin;
6.2 Lesson 1: Creating and Executing Command objects;
6.3 Lesson 2: Working with Parameters in SQL Commands;
6.4 Lesson 3: Saving and Retrieving BLOB Values in a Database;
6.5 Lesson 4: Performing Bulk Copy Operations;
6.6 Lesson 5: Performing Transactions by Using the Transaction Object;
6.7 Lesson 6: Querying Data by Using LINQ;
6.8 Chapter Review;
6.9 Suggested Practices;
6.10 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 7: Create, Add, Delete, and Edit Data in a Disconnected Environment;
7.1 Before You Begin;
7.2 Lesson 1: Creating DataSet Objects;
7.3 Lesson 2: Creating DataTable Objects;
7.4 Lesson 3: Creating DataAdapter Objects;
7.5 Lesson 4: Working with Data in DataTable Objects;
7.6 Lesson 5: Working with XML in DataSet Objects;
7.7 Lesson 6: Creating and Using DataView Objects;
7.8 Chapter Review;
7.9 Suggested Practices;
7.10 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 8: Implementing Data-Bound Controls;
8.1 Before You Begin;
8.2 Lesson 1: Creating a Data-Bound Form with the Data Sources Wizard;
8.3 Lesson 2: Implementing Data-Bound Controls;
8.4 Lesson 3: Working with the DataGridView;
8.5 Chapter Review;
8.6 Suggested Practices;
8.7 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 9: Working with XML;
9.1 Before You Begin;
9.2 Lesson 1: Reading and Writing XML with the XmlReader and XmlWriter Classes;
9.3 Lesson 2: Managing XML with the XML Document Object Model;
9.4 Chapter Review;
9.5 Suggested Practices;
9.6 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 10: Printing in Windows Forms;
10.1 Before You Begin;
10.2 Lesson 1: Managing the Print Process by Using Print Dialog Boxes;
10.3 Lesson 2: Constructing Print Documents;
10.4 Lesson 3: Creating a Customized PrintPreview Component;
10.5 Chapter Review;
10.6 Suggested Practices;
10.7 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 11: Advanced Topics in Windows Forms;
11.1 Before You Begin;
11.2 Lesson 1: Implementing Drag-and-Drop Functionality;
11.3 Lesson 2: Implementing Globalization and Localization for a Windows Forms Application;
11.4 Lesson 3: Implementing MDI Forms;
11.5 Chapter Review;
11.6 Suggested Practices;
11.7 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 12: Enhancing Usability;
12.1 Before You Begin;
12.2 Lesson 1: Implementing Accessibility;
12.3 Lesson 2: Using User Assistance Controls and Components;
12.4 Chapter Review;
12.5 Suggested Practices;
12.6 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 13: Asynchronous Programming Techniques;
13.1 Before You Begin;
13.2 Lesson 1: Managing a Background Process with the BackgroundWorker Component;
13.3 Lesson 2: Implementing Asynchronous Methods;
13.4 Chapter Review;
13.5 Suggested Practices;
13.6 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 14: Creating Windows Forms Controls;
14.1 Before You Begin;
14.2 Lesson 1: Creating Composite Controls;
14.3 Lesson 2: Creating Custom Controls;
14.4 Lesson 3: Creating Extended Controls and Dialog Boxes;
14.5 Chapter Review;
14.6 Suggested Practices;
14.7 Take a Practice Test;

Chapter 15: Deployment;
15.1 Before You Begin;
15.2 Lesson 1: Deploying Applications with ClickOnce;
15.3 Lesson 2: Creating Setup Projects for Deployment;
15.4 Chapter Review;
15.5 Suggested Practices;
15.6 Take a Practice Test;

  • Add and configure a Windows Form.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: Add a Windows Form to a project at design time. Configure a Windows Form to control accessibility, appearance, behavior, configuration, data, design, focus, layout, style, and other functionality
  • Manage control layout on a Windows Form.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: Group and arrange controls by using the Panel control, GroupBox control, TabControl control, FlowLayoutPanel control, and TableLayoutPanel control
  • Add and configure a Windows Forms control.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: Use the integrated development environment (IDE) to add a control to a Windows Form or other container control of a project at design time, add controls to a Windows Form at run time, configure controls on a Windows Form at design time to optimize the UI, modify control properties
  • Create and configure menus.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: Create and configure a MenuStrip component on a Windows Form, change the displayed menu structure programmatically, create and configure the ContextMenuStrip component on a Windows Form
  • Create event handlers for Windows Forms and controls.
    This objective may include but is not limited to: Manage mouse and keyboard events within Windows Forms applications, create event handlers at run time to respond to system or user events dynamically, connect multiple events to a single event handler
  • Prerequisites: 

    Candidates should have at least one year of experience developing Windows-based applications by using the .NET Framework 2.0 and should be able to demonstrate the following:

  • A solid understanding of Windows forms applications in the context of the.NET Framework 3.5 solution stack.
  • Experience programming against the system.
    Windows Forms object model.
  • Experience creating graphical user interface applications.
  • Experience creating data-driven user interfaces. (UI)
  • Experience deploying Windows applications.
  • Benefits: 

    Exam 70-505: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Forms Application Development: counts as credit toward the following certification(s):
    MCTS: .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Forms Applications

    40 hours
    For more information on MCTS Exam 70 - 505: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Windows Forms Application Development please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.