Module 1: Introduction to Application Development Using Visual BasicLessons
- Features of Visual Basic
- Editions of Visual Basic
- Visual Basic terminology
- Working in the development environment
- Event-driven programming
- Creating a program in Visual Basic
- Project and executable files
- Visual Basic reference materials
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
- Creating a simple application
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Identify the elements in the Visual Basic development environment.
- Explain the difference between design time and run time.
- Explain the concept of event-driven programming.
- Describe the purpose of a project file.
- List the file types that can be included in a project.
Module 2: Visual Basic FundamentalsLessons
- Introduction to objects
- Controlling objects
- Properties, methods, and events
- Working with forms
- Introduction to controls
- Basic controls
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
- Creating a Visual Basic-based application
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create a simple application using Visual Basic.
- Define and provide examples of each of the following: object, property, method, and event.
- Describe some of the properties and events associated with a form.
- Set properties for command buttons, text boxes, and labels.
- Use the With End With statement to set multiple property values for a single object.
- Assign code to a control to respond to the Click event.
Module 3: Working with Code and FormsLessons
- Understanding modules
- Using the code editor window
- Other code navigation features
- Code documentation and formatting
- Setting environment options
- Setting code formatting options
- Automatic code completion features
- Interacting with the user
- Using the MsgBox function
- Using the InputBox function
- Working with code statements
- Managing forms
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Use the editing tools in the Visual Basic Code Editor window to write organized and well-documented code.
- Control the Visual Basic environment and customize it to their needs.
- Display message boxes.
- Use Visual Basic constants and named arguments.
- Differentiate between the Load/Unload statements and use the Show/Hide methods.
- Set the startup form for an application.
- Control a program's closing routine.
Module 4: Variables and ProceduresLessons
- Overview of variables
- Declaring variables
- Variable scope
- Using arrays
- User-defined data types
- Converting data types
- Using constants
- Working with procedures
- Working with dates and times
- Using the Format function
- Manipulating text strings
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Explain the various data types used when declaring variables.
- Declare private and public variables.
- Use public variables to use data in multiple forms.
- Describe the difference between a variable and a constant.
- Differentiate between a Sub procedure and a Function procedure.
- Create a Function procedure that accepts arguments and returns a value.
- Describe how a Standard module differs from a Form module.
- Add a Standard module to a project to store general procedures and variables.
- Use Visual Basic functions to manipulate text strings and return the current date and time.
Module 5: Controlling Program ExecutionLessons
- Comparison and logical operators
- Using If Then statements
- Using Select Case statements
- Overview of looping structures
- Using Do Loop structures
- For Next statement
- Exiting a loop
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- List techniques for comparing variables and object properties using Visual Basic code.
- Explain the difference between If Then and Select Case statements and describe the circumstances in which you use each statement.
- Explain the difference between the For Next and Do Loop statements.
- Choose the appropriate conditional or looping structure to control program flow.
Module 6: DebuggingLessons
- Types of errors
- Break mode
- Using the Debug toolbar
- Using the Watch window
- Using the Immediate window
- Using the Locals window
- Tracing program flow with the Call Stack
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
- Using the Visual Basic debugging tools
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Stop program execution using breakpoints and watch expressions.
- Monitor variable values in the Watch window.
- Test data and a procedure's results in the Immediate window.
- Evaluate variable values in the Locals window. Distinguish among Run, Design, and Debug modes in Visual Basic.
- Trace the program execution sequence using the Call Stack.
Module 7: Working with ControlsLessons
- Types of controls
- Overview of standard controls
- Using ComboBox and ListBox controls
- Using OptionButton and Frame controls
- Working with selected text
- Advanced standard controls
- ActiveX controls
- Insertable objects
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Identify and use the standard controls in Visual Basic.
- Define how an ActiveX control differs from a standard control.
- Add ActiveX controls to a project and use these controls in a program.
Module 8: Data Access Using the ADO Data ControlLessons
- Overview of ActiveX data objects
- Visual Basic data access features
- Relational database concepts
- Using the ADO Data control to access data
- Structured query language (SQL)
- Manipulating data
- Using Data Form Wizard
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Define the following terms: database, table, field, record, and key.
- Use the ADO Data control to view records in a database.
- Use the ADO Data control to find, modify, delete, and add records.
- List the standard bound controls.
- Define Structured Query Language (SQL).
- Describe the purpose of the SELECT statement in SQL.
- Use Data Form Wizard to design a simple data-entry form.
Module 9: Input ValidationLessons
- Field-level validation
- Using text box properties to restrict data entry
- Using the Masked Edit control
- Form-level validation
- Form events used when validating data
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create an application that validates user data at the field level and at the form level.
- Create an application that uses the Masked Edit control.
- Create an application that enables or disables controls based on field values.
Module 10: Error TrappingLessons
- Overview of run-time errors
- Overview of the error handling process
- The Err object
- Errors and the calling chain
- Errors in an error-handling routine
- Inline error handling
- Error-handling styles
- General error-trapping options in Visual Basic
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Trap run-time errors.
- Create error handlers.
- See how errors are handled in the calling chain.
- Handle errors in an error-handling routine.
- Handle inline errors.
- Describe some common error-handling styles.
- Describe error-trapping options in the Visual Basic development environment.
Module 11: Enhancing the User InterfaceLessons
- Menus
- Status bars
- Toolbars
Lab : Lab:
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create and edit custom menu bars, menus, submenus, and menu items using the Menu Editor.
- Identify the menu properties that can be set in the Menu Editor dialog box.
- Create a pop-up menu using the Menu Editor.
- Assign code to menu items that respond to the Click event.
- Create a status bar on a form that provides users with feedback.
- Create a toolbar using the Toolbar control.
Module 12: Drag and DropLessons
- Overview of drag and drop
- Mouse events
- Drag-and-drop basics
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe the role of mouse events in implementing drag-and-drop features.
- Perform the steps required to add drag-and-drop features to an application.
- Identify the source control and target form or control in a drag-and-drop operation.
- Implement OLE drag-and-drop features.
Module 13: More About ControlsLessons
- Collections
- Using control arrays
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Define and describe the use of control arrays.
- Create an array of controls.
- Build an application for Visual Basic that dynamically adds and deletes controls.
- Use the Visual Basic Controls collection.
- Create and use object variables.
Module 14: Finishing TouchesLessons
- User interface design principles
- Distributing an application
- Creating a default project
- Review: Steps to creating a Visual Basic program
- Development resources
- Self-check questions
Lab : Lab:
- Using the Package and Deployment Wizard
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create applications that incorporate basic principles of user interface design.
- Create a setup program for an application by using Package and Deployment Wizard.
- Create custom projects.