Research Methodology

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  • Understanding of concepts of knowledge, facts under consideration and aspects of a system
  • Systematic investigation for focused research, all that it entails
  • Basic and applied research
  • Scientific and historical research
  • Structure, design, quantitative, qualitative and empirical aspects of research
  • Understanding the dividing line of opinions and beliefs and structured research in different contexts
  • Validation of claims and hypothesis through research: Different approaches
  • Sustainable Research methodology
  • Developing the necessary competences of research and methodology for stated aims and objectives
  • Course Contents: 

    Research (3 hours)

  • Knowledge and its facets
  • Facts, opinions, beliefs, systems and domains
  • Systematic investigation and analysis of facts
  • Science and scientific research: essential features and the means
  • Basic and applied research and their inherent features
  • Hypothesis leading to investigations for corroboration and validation
  • Formulation of hypothesis and structures to carry out research
  • Sources of funding for carrying out research

    Methodology (3 hours)

  • Processes involved in research
  • The importance of structure in research
  • What is methodology and what are different methods of research
  • Scientific methods and historical methods
  • Role of structure and design in research methodology
  • Quantitative, Qualitative and other tools for research
  • Methods leading to validation of claims and counter claims of hypothesis
  • Analysis, interpretation and empirical attestation of postulation and data

    Practical (2 hours)

  • Business of research and where and how to find funds for research: CCC special
    25 minute presentation and 15 minutes Q & A session
  • First research scenario- outline, hypothesis, methods and validation-40 minutes
  • Second research scenario-outline, hypothesis, methods and validation- 40 minutes
  • Prerequisites: 
  • Need to have a open frame of mind conducive to research, analysis and structuring ideas
  • Looking for an overwhelming benefit in terms of basic or applied research in profession or business
  • Never had the possibility to dwell into core concepts on research and methodology or its practical insights
  • Those who believe research efforts are not only sustainable and wish to tap funds for research
  • Benefits: 

    1. Research is an integral part of virtually all domains. Research is undertaken for varying reasons in the fields of science and technology, finance and economics, products and services development, exploration and analysis, trends of domestic and international markets; business and industries, or just to establish or give validity to claims in a given defined context.
    2. Whatever the objectives or the context; research process involves following certain methodology to sustain and meet the end user goals.
    This course deals with all features of Research and Methodology with extra ordinary emphasis on development of core competences in both basic and applied research scenarios. Participants will also have an opportunity to learn about possible ways and means to fund different research objectives under a special session Business of research.
    In addition, it will also help to understand methods of how to sustain claims and counter claims on validity of certain hypothesis with or without empirical basis.


    This one day intensive course with emphasis on both research and its methodology is intended to substantially benefit those who wish to develop leading edge skills. This will enhance and widen the scope of their understanding of research and methodology concepts, in a lucid and organized scientific fashion.

    8 hours
    For more information on Research Methodology please feel free to contact us online or call us at 416-513-1535.